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"In the Loop" News
From Greg's Desk...
Thoughts on how to recruit new Serrans
by Greg Schwietz, President, USA Council of Serra
What is the best way to recruit new Serrans? This fall our very active USA Council membership committee (Nancy Gibson, VP) has introduced a new and proven recruitment program that encourages club members to work through their local pastors and religious to recommend family members and local Catholic leaders for Serra membership. <more>
Serra International
2017 Serra International Convention, Rome, Italy!
Plan now to attend this wonderful event. The 2017 Serra International Annual Convention will be in Rome, Italy June 22 - June 25, 2017 it promises to be informative, historical, and very enjoyable. For registration and additional information please visit Serra International.
IRS Form 990 Reporting Requirement
In order to comply with IRS Reporting Requirements for Not for Profit Organizations, the Serra Clubs in the USA Council of Serra International are required to file a IRS Form 990-EZ. The Form 990-EZ must be filed by the 15th day following the close of the clubs' fiscal year on May 31 or October 15. Failure to file annually will result in the loss of a clubs' tax exemption.
2016-17 Serra Club Officer Reports Due
The 2016-17 Serra Club Officers reports are due. Please use this report form to submit your club officer report 2016-17 Incoming Club Officer Report
The SERRAN Magazine
The Serran magazine is now available!
SerraUSA Annual Reports
USA Council of Serra International Annual Audit Report (2014 - 7 Months)
USA Council of Serra International Annual Audit Report (2013-14)
Begin Planning Today - National/Worldwide Vocation Events
The National Vocation Awareness Week, World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life and World Day of Prayer for Vocations are now available and posted to our website. The planning kits can be downloaded for use in your clubs, parishes, schools, religious congregations and dioceses.
Previously Serra Clubs, parishes and dioceses paid over $90,000 to NCCV for these materials. The USA Council will be providing these materials at no cost. The $90,000 can now be used for other vocation work and programs. We will not have printed versions available. In order to help us defray the cost of producing these materials, donations can be made to the Bishop Britt Vocations Restricted Fund.
Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW)
Includes: liturgy planning
guide, music suggestions, homily guide, general intercessions, prayer service,
prayer card master, bulletin announcements, clip art, poster.
Day for Consecrated Life (WDCL)
Includes: liturgy planning
guide, music suggestions, homily guide, general intercessions, prayer service,
prayer card master, bulletin announcements, clip art, poster.
Day of Prayer for Vocations (WDP)
Includes: liturgy planning
guide, music suggestions, homily guide, general intercessions, prayer service,
prayer card master, bulletin announcements, clip art, poster.
Priesthood Sunday
This nationwide event is coordinated by the USA Council of Serra
International. It is sponsored by the USA Council of Serra International.
Message of Pope Francis for the 53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2016
Working for You -- Committee News
Join the conversation!
The USA Council National Committees invite you to join the conversation. The Vocations, Programs, Membership, and Communications committees have regularly scheduled telephone conference calls each month to discuss how Serra can fulfill our mission better.
Vocations Committee
Next call : to be determined
Dial-in: 641-715-0700 | Access code: 936393#Communications Committee
Next call : to be determined
Dial-in: 877-777-0154 | Access code: 284392#Membership Committee
Next call : 4th Tuesday of the month from 7:30-8:45pm central time.
Dial-in 1-712-432-1212 | Access Code:182997#.Program Committee
Next call : 1st Monday every month at 6:00 pm except on months that day is a holiday, then the next Monday.
Dial-in: (712) 775-7031 | Access Code:: 648-583-478#
Is Vocations missing in your Parish Bulletin?
The Vocations Committee wants you look! New, revised, and updated the Vocations Committee invites to consider adding a vocation prayer or message about vocations to your weekly parish bulletin. These brief prayers and messages will become a take away for your parish family each week.
Serra Parish Bulletin Inserts (doc) (pdf)
Vocation Prayers for Parish Bulletins (doc) (pdf)
Promotion of Parish Vocation Activities!
Establishing a Culture of Priestly and
Religious Vocations takes a little effort feel free to use this Power Point
presentation to get started in your parish today.
Planning for Graduation - Class of 2017
Newman Connection (formerly College Connection for Catholics) is a good way to share our Serra Mission.
Learn More...
the NEWMAN CONNECTION for Catholics
Attention all Serra Clubs: Do you have a website that we do not know about? Send us an email and we can create a link to your Serra Club's website. Need help please see our Serra Club Webpage Template page for more information.
Serra Club Newsletter Editors: Do you want to post your newsletter online? Send us a copy via email and we add it to our online listing.
NEW! The USA Council Programs Committee has revised and updated the Program Manual - Part 2, please download your copy today. In addition, the Programs Committee has prepared a new calendar to help Serra Clubs plan their programs based on the liturgical year. Finally, a Holy Hour for the Jubilee Year of Mercy is available for your personal and club use a Leader version and a Worship Aid are available here, please download your copy today.
Club Membership Drives
The United States Council has created new tools to help us in your annual membership campaign. The tools include two new membership recruitment flyers, the TOOL KIT with practical solutions for club challenges, and a profile of key Catholics with whom we should focus our invitations.
Membership Tools (click the links below to download the forms, flyers and other information you need to help Serra flourish):
Timeline for 2014 Fall Membership Drive
Acceptance of Mentoring by Club President Form
Family Member Contact Information
Letter from District Governors to Club Officers about Membership Drive
Does the Church Need Serra?
"Why Be a Serran" flyer
It gives me GREAT JOY to share this Version 1 "Why Be a Serran" flyer that was created thru the computer skills of Paul Halladay, DG from Mobile, AL and member of our MEMBERSHIP TEAM! Teams 1, 3, & 4 are meeting this week and the entire Membership Team will hold our monthly Conf Call on Tuesday, May 27th. We recognize that this is a Version 1 that needs refining, so please write down your suggested changes and we will discuss in all 4 of those meetings.
Page 1 is the "outside page" and page 2 is the inside page. They double fold into a dandy flyer that is easily stored in the glove compartment of a vehicle, making it handy to always have when any Serran wants to share their Serra story with a prospect.
The flyer is for download below so that Serra Club officers across the USA can download and print when needed for Membership Blitz or any Serran could print for a one-on-one sharing call with a prospect. We think this tool has a solid potential to help us invigorate our members to share the JOY & FUN of the Serra Mission, helping us reach our 15% Net Member Growth in 2014.
A round of applause for Paul Halladay, please!
God bless us all, Mark
Download the "Why Be a Serran" flyer here!
Membership Workshops
Membership- 101- Recruiting
Membership- 102 - Retention
Leadership Development - District Governors
DG/RD Webinar & Conference Call
We will continue to set up DG/RD Webinar & Conference Calls. Look for dates/links/Call-In for
the dates and times shown below. Advance agenda Items will be provided. Note that all
dates will feature the same webinar so we can provide a date and time
convenient for everyone.
Advanced Agenda:
The 4th quarter webinar is set for November with the dates/times as follows:
1. Mon, Nov 7, 2016 1:00 PM EDT (12:00 PM CDT, 11:00 MDT, 10:00 PDT)
2. Sat, Nov 12, 2016 12:00 PM EDT (11:00 AM CDT, 10:00 AM, MDT, 9:00 PDT)
3. Wed, Nov 16, 2016 8:00 PM EDT (7:00 PM CDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 5:00 PM PDT)
The DG/RD webinar will be 60 minutes of idea sharing and providing support for District Governors and Regional Directors in supporting their local clubs. DG’s & RD’s should select a date that in convenient to them and RSVP in advance to
Looking Forward
Where two or more are gathered...
One Serran said, "A Serra meeting should be like spending an hour with Jesus." Serrans believe that when members gather for prayer, a meal and conversation, they grow in faith and are inspired and challenged by each other.
We invite you to consider anyone of the following opportunities for you to join us at these events and learn more and why we are Serrans.
On the road...visit a Serra Club during your trip
serraUSA Club Locator (As of Dec 2011, please note dates and times are subject to change without notice.)
Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations to Ordained Ministry and Consecrated Life
His Holiness John Paul II blessed this monstrance for the Church in North America so that during the Year of the Eucharist we all might pray for vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life. In cooperation with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Vocations and Priestly Formation, the USA Council of Serra International is coordinating and sponsoring the tour of this Monstrance to US Catholic dioceses throughout the Year of Eucharist and beyond.
Adoration for Vocations
Dates to Remember
Oct. 7-9, 2016
USA Council Executive Committee Meeting, Omaha, NE
Nov. 6-12, 2016
National Vocations Awareness Week
Feb. 5, 2017
World Day for Consecrated Life
February 16-19, 2017
June 22 - June 25, 2017
2017 Serra International Convention, Rome, Italy
Annual District/Regional Conferences
USA Council of Serra International is happy to provide this list of Annual Fall District/Regional Conferences.
Join Serrans from your district and region for fellowship, inspiration, learning, and worship. Discover the world of Serra locally by attending a district or regional conference near you.
- May God bless you and your work for vocations.
New England Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
Mid-Atlantic Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
Great Lakes Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
Region 7 Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
Region 8 Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: Buffalo, MN
Region 9 Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
Western Regional Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
District 6 Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
District 1-Region 12 Conference
Date: 2016 TBA
Location: TBA
The USA Council will be happy to post a notice of your district Spring Leadership and Planning Conferences, Serra Club days of prayer and reflection, and other Serra Club events on our website.
Submit your event notice with us . . .
Vocation Discernment Retreats
"Vocation is about following that God-given pull or leaning that seems to come from deep within."
USA Council of Serra International is happy to provide this list of open invitations to hear God's Call.
Please contact the retreat master directly for more information regarding each scheduled event.
- May God bless you on your discernment journey.
Retreat Masters
The USA Council will be happy to post a notice of your days of discernment, life awareness, prayer, and reflection on our website.
Submit your retreat notice with us . . .
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
Text & Design © 1997-2016 All rights reserved. | Last Modified:
October 12, 2016
Serra’s National Council for the United
333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 500 | Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 201-6549 ~ 888-777-6681 · Fax (312) 201-6548 ~ 888-777-6803