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Vocation Resources & Organizations
Serra Worldwide
Serra Council for Great Britain
Serra Council for Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific
Religious Communities
The Alexian Brothers practice compassion in action through service to the poor, sick, dying, unwanted and unloved of our society. We welcome applicants up to the age of 55
St. Cecilia's Abbey - A Community of Benedictine Nuns on the Isle of Wright, England
School Sisters of St. Francis - An international community of women religious.
Daughters of the Heart of Mary, an international order with a pontifical approbation
Bernardine Franciscans. An international, pontifical Congregation with over 450 Sisters and 100 lay Associates.
Congregation of St. Rose of Lima (Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne)
The Religious of the Cenacle - An international congregation of women religious.
Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ - a cloistered contemplative community.
Augustinians of the Midwest - Order of St. Augustine
The Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George - Alton, IL
Sisters of Bon Secours - (literally “Good Help”): Founded in 1824 in Paris, France, as an international Catholic religious order of consecrated sisters, our mission has always been anchored in three words: compassion, healing and liberation. Today, Bon Secours Sisters and our 20,000 colleagues spread God’s love throughout the four corners of the world. Our 130 years in the USA has spread from the Baltimore foundation to urban and rural communities.
The Little Sisters of the Poor - A vocation to the Little Sisters of the Poor is a unique call from God to live for him alone. As Little Sisters of the Poor, we care for the elderly poor in the spirit of humble service which we have received from Saint Jeanne Jugan.
St. Anne's Guest Home has a blog:
The Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen (ND) have a blog:
Catholic Church Links
Catholic Information Center on the Internet
The Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America
"Busted Halo" Paulist Young Adult Ministry
Archdiocese of Chicago Young Adult Ministry
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association
FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Vocation Resources & Organizations
US Bishops' Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations
NCDVD- National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors
NFPC - National Federation of Priests' Councils
NRVC - National Religious Vocation Conference
J.S. Paluch Co. Inc. - Vocation Awareness Division
Vocations and Prayer - The Rogationist Fathers
Vocations Online - Sponsored by the Joliet Diocese Vocation Office
The Newman Connection (formerly College Connection for Catholics )
National Catholic Committee on Scouting - Venturing
Vision Magazine - a comprehensive resource for those seeking information on religious life.
The Labouré Society has assisted over 230 individuals into priestly and religious formation since 2003 through student loan resolution.
CARA - Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University
Vocations Canada - A new national resource of vocation information for all English speaking regions of Canada.
Catholics on Call - Direction for your Life - The home of the Catholic Vocations office of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia.
Vianney Vocations - for ideas on how to improve the strategies for promoting vocations. - A comprehensive online resource for Catholic vocations.
VocationsPlacement.Org - A religious careers placement service.
World Priest Day - Sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
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September 07, 2016
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