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Serra Club Programs
“The Programs Committee shall study and recommend ways and means to help Serrans to recognize and respond to God’s call to holiness. By promoting fellowship, prayer, and continuing Catholic education, the Programs Committee seeks to better prepare Serrans to fulfill their Christian vocation to service, especially in the Serran mission and ministry. The Vice President of Programs shall be responsible for this committee.” (USA Council Bylaws, Article VI, Section 4)
Your USA Programs Committee has developed a two-part Program Manual for use by the clubs. These are presented here in Portable Document Format (PDF). The Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required to view and print PDF files. It is free and can easily be downloaded from the internet by clicking on the provided icon. These manuals may then be found, reviewed and printed by clicking on them where they are mentioned below in blue type.
Program Manual
- Part 1 is a comprehensive guide for the club Vice President of Programs
and his/her committee. Reading through it at the beginning of the year can save
a lot of time by not “reinventing the wheel” and will get the club Program
Committee off to a solid start. Many additional resources are included therein
but if the club finds others, we hope it will share its successes with our USA
Council Programs Committee. Also,
Using Program Manual -Part 1, a valuable workshop for use at the Spring Leadership
Planning Conference or at a region Convention, may be downloaded from its link
in blue.
Serrans are yearning for programs directed towards increasing their personal holiness. Program Manual - Part 2 was developed for this purpose (a tutorial for Part 2 may also be clicked on). Program Manual - Part 2 outlines the Program Process. These suggested club programs are designed to help the club Programs Vice President and Committee, together with the club Chaplain, in planning the club programs. The program process will assist the presenter in organizing the presentation - be it priest, deacon, religious order member, or Serran. A Suggested Club Program Calendar may be found at the end of Program Manual - Part 2.
We hope you find these suggested program ideas interesting and easy to use. Good programs are invaluable for increasing member awareness of the richness of their Catholic heritage and adding to their personal sanctification, all leading to greater zeal as advocates for priestly and religious vocations. Additional materials in support of these programs may be found in the Serra Merchandise Catalog. Questions, comments and new program theme ideas are welcome.
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
Text & Design © 1997-2016 All rights reserved. | Last Modified:
September 12, 2016
Serra’s National Council for the United
333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 500 | Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 201-6549 ~ 888-777-6681 · Fax (312) 201-6548 ~ 888-777-6803