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There Are Vocations...

...which manifest themselves. They must be fostered.
... which are not conscious of themselves. They must be awakened.
... which do not dare manifest themselves. They must be found and encouraged.
... which are in fear of being lost. They must be reassured.
... which meet with opposition. They must be strengthened.
... which are paralyzed by poverty. They must be helped financially.
Look Around You.
How many men and women in your parishes are caring and compassionate individuals who are good listeners, articulate speakers, and loving enthusiastic Catholics?
How many of these special, gifted people have ever been invited to consider becoming a priest, sister, brother, permanent deacon, or
full-time lay minister?
Statistics show that 80% of the 18-30 year olds in the United States have never been asked to consider a Church Vocation.
About Vocation Ministry
Since 1935, Serra International has responded to this challenge through the first of its two objectives, fostering Church vocations. Through the years, Serra has supported the ministry of its members to call out and affirm dynamic men and women as they share their ministry in the service of the Church.
Serrans' particular ministry focuses on promoting vocations to the ministerial priesthood and religious life. We know that men and women of all ages are seeking the opportunity to serve God and their neighbor.
Serrans, through their prayers and vocation activities, invite these men and women to explore their call to service in the Church.
To engage in those projects and programs that will prepare Serra clubs and parishes to assist their bishops and vocation directors in carrying out their vocation ministry in the diocese and parishes.
To continue to develop and distribute new manuals and promotional videos dealing with such topics as: affirmation of vowed religious, ordained priests, Single Adult Discernment retreats, parish vocation committees, and programs for youth groups.
As Serrans we emphasize
Prayer | Awareness | Affirmation | Support
Organizations Providing Vocation Resources
J. S. Paluch Company, Inc. ~ Vocation Awareness Division
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
Text & Design © 1997-2016 All rights reserved. | Last Modified:
September 07, 2016
Serra’s National Council for the United
333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 500 | Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 201-6549 ~ 888-777-6681 · Fax (312) 201-6548 ~ 888-777-6803