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Serra International and the USA Council...
. . . at a glance
"Lord, open the hearts of many men and women to courageously consider a vocation to the ordained ministry or consecrated life."
Our Vision
To have all people respond to God’s call to their vocation in life.
We hope:
To educate and inform our members, collaborators, and the Catholic Community of our commitment to promote the ordained priesthood and religious life.
To encourage and affirm the ordained priesthood and vowed religious life as a positive lifestyle
To inspire and call forth a well-trained and dedicated corps of leaders at all levels of Serra by spiritual and practical formation.
Therefore, that by our works, we will be recognized and sought after as the organization that actively works and promotes vocations to the ordained priesthood and vowed religious life.
Our Ministry
The work of the
USA Council of Serra International demonstrates its grounding in the baptismal call of unity in
holiness and in mission to the world by calling forth laborers to reap the
harvest of the Spirit. Serra remains a group of lay men and women who are
committed to the work of the Church and who seek to achieve excellence in that
vocation while convinced of the need to support its ministers.
By performing works cited as "criteria for ecclesiality for lay groups" by Pope John Paul II in Christifideles Laici, Serrans continue "the reawakening of vocations to . . . the ministerial priesthood and the consecrated life . . . and [maintain] a capacity for teaching and forming Christians.
Since 1935, Serra International has grown from the informal luncheon of four men in Seattle WA. to a global association of over 13,000 individuals in more than twenty-one countries.
On May 3, 1951, Serra International was made part of the “Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations within the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and University Studies.”
The USA\Canada Council was approved and US clubs and Serrans formed the Council in 1994. In 2000, Serra International approved and Canadian clubs and Serrans formed the the Serra Council of Canada and USA Council each adopted the an organizational structure similar to Serra International. The USA Council adopted the geographical regional boundaries parallel to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Today in Serra International ...
Serra's objectives are to foster and promote vocations to the Catholic priesthood and religious life, and to encourage its members to fulfill their own Christian vocations to service.
The Serra International Office is in Chicago, IL and Mr. John Liston, is the Executive Director. The Serra International Board coordinates the activities of the international committees and supports National Councils in furthering Serra's mission worldwide.
The Serra International Foundation, created in 1951, helps Serra International fulfill its organizational objectives by awarding grants within a competitive application process. Worldwide in scope, the Foundation accepts direct contributions and planned giving.
2017 Serra International Convention, Rome, Italy!
Plan now to attend this wonderful event. The 2017 Serra International Annual Convention will be in Rome, Italy June 22 - June 25, 2017 it promises to be informative, historical, and very enjoyable. For registration and additional information please visit Serra International.
Today in the USA Council ...
There are over 8,000 Serrans in 228 Serra Clubs in the United States. The primary purpose of the USA Council is to assist and promote the local Serra club.
To accomplish this purpose and respond to the unique
vocational needs of the Church in the United States the USA Council of
Serra International adopted a structure and vision to support vocations.
The Episcopal Advisor of the USA Council is Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop of Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN. Mr. Greg Schwietz of Serra Club of Omaha, NE is the USA Council President.
Coordinate the activities of Serra clubs in each of the geographic regions in the United States. District Governors and the local Serra clubs take the lead in Serra’s mission throughout the United States that is to encourage and ensure our vocation work is fulfilled.
Spirit of Serra on Vimeo.
Join US!
Therefore, please consider joining us in asking the Lord of the harvest to bless our efforts in working for vocations:
Click here to locate a Serra Club near you.
Four major committees work to further the goals of the USA Council in the areas of Vocations, Membership, Programs, and Communications. Standing goals for of each committee are as follows:
To engage in those projects and programs that will prepare districts and clubs to assist their bishops and vocation
directors in carrying out their vocation ministry in the diocese and parishes.
To continue to develop and distribute new manuals and promotional videos dealing with such topics as: affirmation of
vowed religious, ordained priests, Life Awareness retreats, parish vocation committees, vocations in minority communities,
and programs for youth groups.
To develop in each Serra club a program of adult education and faith formation through new internal Study and Discussion
programs on the Eucharist, Vocational Pastoral Ministry, the new Catechism, The Splendor of Truth, and the Apostolate of the
Laity and programs for reaching younger, lay Catholics, and a resource library of program materials.
To encourage all Serra Clubs to have active and involved newsletter committees that effectively communicate club activities,
provide news to members, increase club morale, and support club goals.
To promote club activities and news within the local community through press releases in local papers, regular contacts with
secular and religious press, and access to local and cable television.
To actively strengthen and expand the present clubs with new, enthusiastic members, especially women, and retain current
To spread Serra through the formation of new clubs, especially in areas where bishops have requested Serra, and establish
and improve our effectiveness in those areas not presently or under served.
The USA Council is seeking Serrans to volunteer their time and talent for these four committees and the other national committees.
Please contact the USA Council office.
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
Text & Design © 1997-2016 All rights reserved. | Last Modified:
September 07, 2016
Serra’s National Council for the United
333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 500 | Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 201-6549 ~ 888-777-6681 · Fax (312) 201-6548 ~ 888-777-6803