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Last Updated: September 07, 2016
SerraUSA Circle of Prayer
We pray together
Pray for the online prayer requests submitted by others.
Trusting in our ever-living God, let us present our prayers of petition.
May I ask you to pray for Juju and Normie who are discerning to become religious sisters. They are both active youth leaders in our parish. Thank you so much for all that you do. I am a religious sister who truly benefit from your prayers. I do appreciate your dedication.
God bless you all.Let us pray to the Lord.
Sr. Fidelia
For Christine to be a Consecrated Virgin for the Church and for her to be connected with people who will help her fulfill her vocation.
For Richard to be ordained a holy priest, wholly consecrated to the glorious heart of St. Joseph.
Let us pray to the Lord.Anonymous
For all who are discerning a call to serve the Lord, for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please pray for Vincent who has stage 3 Melanoma. Please pray it is only one location in his body and no place else please pray for a successful surgery and an easy recovery. Please pray for his treatments to go easy on him. Chemo etc. Thank you.
Let us pray to the Lord.
For grace, healing and jobs for Maggie and Emily.
Let us pray to the Lord.
For the success of our local Serra club. I have just taken over as president and want to do a good job. Praying for possible new members. Success of fund raiser coming up. Also, for our family safety with travels. Help with grades for granddaughter who is having difficulty. We pray....
Let us pray to the Lord.
Thomas S.
Please pray for Kelly, a young mother of two, a devoted wife and a faithful servant of God. She has been diagnosed with a frightening health challenge. She is determined to surrender to the process with a positive attitude. Your prayers will lift her. Thank you.
Let us pray to the Lord.
For long time Serran, Garvan who is stricken with cancer, May he be healed
Let us pray to the Lord.
Jim S.
For my friend Jim, suffering with Stage 4 cancer. Give him comfort and strength
Let us pray to the Lord.William D.
Prayers for healing for Dana T.
Let us pray to the Lord.Kathleen M.
Prayers for Norma for a full recovery and Ruben for strength.
Let us pray to the Lord.Dan
Prayers for Graham and Doris for better health.
Let us pray to the Lord.Region 5 & District 18
Our son's wife of 2 years has just been given some pretty tough news to deal with - lung cancer. Our Daughter-in-law Trisha is 49 yrs old and it appears to be in stage four cancer.
I'm asking all of you Serrans and visitors to help us pray that Trisha might be the final miracle needed for Saint Junipero Serra's elevation to Sainthood. The timing could be a "God incident" - Fr. Serra's 300th Anniversary, the final needed miracle and the multitude of Serrans who will be gathering in California and in local Clubs to celebrate his life; all coming together to storm Heaven with prayer asking healing for Trisha through Blessed Serra's intercession. Thank you all for your prayers and supplications for Blessed Serra's intercession on Trish's behalf.
Let us pray to the Lord.Art & Norma
For those who hear Jesus’ call to vocations within the Church: May our communities support and encourage those contemplating vocations to the priesthood, deaconate, religious life and lay ecclesial ministry.
Let us pray to the Lord.SerraUSA
Faithful and Gracious God, throughout the ages you have been faithful to your promises. Stir within us faith to be true to your commands. Pour forth your love into our hearts to be servants to one another. Give us constant hope in your covenant that binds us in communion with you and one another. Continue to strengthen us, and all those who serve you and the church in ministry, especially our priests. We ask all of these prayers in the name of Christ our Lord.
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
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September 07, 2016
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