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The Newman Connection
An obvious increase the number of students participating in Campus Ministry should greatly benefit the Church in many ways.
SerraUSA wants to help High School graduates locate the "Catholic presence" when they arrive on campus - especially at schools that have an active Catholic Campus Ministry program.
The Purpose
To help High School graduates locate the "Catholic presence" when they arrive on campus - especially at schools that have an active Catholic Campus Ministry program.
The Rationale
A recent study completed by CARA for the U. S. Bishops concerning Catholic Campus Ministry (November, 2005) confirmed a strong opinion that those who were active in Campus Ministry: attended Mass more often than those who did not participate in Campus Ministry; donated more to their Parishes; became leaders in the Parishes; and were more likely to consider a vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life. The obvious conclusion: increasing the number of students participating in Campus Ministry should greatly benefit the Church in many ways.
The Method
Serra Clubs in the United States are being asked to solicit student information from Catholic High Schools and Parish Youth Ministers to help young Catholics stay active in their faith.
By furnishing the Campus Minister names and addresses of Catholic students coming to their school, the Campus Minister has an opportunity to send a personal invitation to the student to visit their facility when they arrive on campus. Should there be no official “Catholic presence” on campus, the student will receive information about a nearby Parish.
Further Information
For further information on the NEWMAN CONNECTION for Catholics program, please contact Director of High School Outreach Program Megan Tay at 866.815.2034, ext. 707, or click here to email Megan. Omaha Serran Greg Schwietz is the Serra Coordinator for Newman Connection, click here to email Greg. Judy Cozzens, the past chairman of College Connection for Catholics, is still working as an advisor for the Newman Connection Program, click here to email Judy.
Get started today
Click the link below for the Newman Connection Website!
Newman Connection
College Connection for Catholics Program Links Catholic Youth with Church on Campus
Parents are often dismayed when their kids go off to college and wander away from the Catholic faith. The USA Council of Serra International saw the need to connect young people with the church on campus and developed the College Connection for Catholics program to forge that bridge.
Campus Minister Pleads for Help
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
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September 07, 2016
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