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The SERRA and NET Connect
These past years a successful effort was made to connect young missionaries of the National Evangelization Team (NET) with Serra Clubs across our nation. NET Teams, made up of 6 young men and 6 young women ages 18 to 28, visited over 70 Dioceses, giving retreats for young Catholics. The following information came from a meeting of Serrans and Netters during the annual NET wrap-up week. About 15% of all team members enter the convent or Seminary after serving on NET. The rest of the team are very good candidates as future Serrans.
Almost 20 Serra-NET contacts were made and just a few are mentioned here. Regina Uveges, president of the Mercerville, New Jersey Serra Club reported that her club enjoyed fixing a home-cooked lunch for a NET Team. Club members enjoyed talking to the Netters and the Netters reported it was a great time for them also. As one Netter said, “It was just fun to visit with the Serrans and learn about one members’ recent trip to the Holy Land. It is a neat change for us to interact with adults in love with their faith.”
Team 3 did retreats in Texas and enjoyed sharing about NET at a Dallas Serra Club Meeting. They especially liked spending time with the Serrans and hearing about the work Serra does. Winona, MN. Serrans also gave team 3 a snack basket when they visited their area.
In Duluth, MN, the Serra Club entertained team 7 with a lasagna dinner at the Cathedral. Netters shared their testimonies and did an inspirational retreat drama for them.
Team 7 attended a luncheon club meeting in Wichita, Kansas. Netters gave their testimonies and told how being on NET had changed them. One Netter commented that it was great to spend time with the Serrans and hear about their work.
In Kansas City, the local Serrans arranged outings on two different free days for the NET Team. One day the team toured the Harry Truman Museum and ate at a Mexican restaurant with some Serrans. Another day Serran members took the team to dinner at Jack Stack Barbecue and gave them money for a movie. One young man reported that the barbecue was the best food he had all year.
Jan found team 6 in Greeley, Colorado. The Serra Club there had the Netters attend Mass with them and present some testimonies at their meeting. The kids reported that it was so much fun to sit and visit with the Serrans, share their testimonies and play bingo with them.
The Serra Club of Toledo, Ohio arranged a private tour of the Presidential
Library and hosted a dinner for the team. The kids were impressed by the support
the Serrans showed for their work.
In a wrap-up meeting with the Netters, Mike Pohlen asked them if they felt it was worthwhile to meet with the Serrans. Everyone there mentioned they thought it was great. As one young woman said, “It is fun to share with people that are so enthusiastic and appreciative of our work. I also learned more about Serra and what they do.” The overwhelming response was that this was a great activity for the Netters and great encouragement to them in their missionary work. Serrans also reported that they felt invigorated by the young missionary’s zeal for their faith and commitment to the church.
The Net Teams travel schedule for next year is already available. It will be posted on the Net Ministry website. Maybe your club could be involved with these enthusiastic young missionaries next year. There are so many ways you can connect with a team. You might want to plan a meal or reception, schedule them to attend your meeting or vocation/school event or even provide host homes for lodging. Please contact the Diocese Contact Person on the NET schedule to have a NET Team connect with your club. We will be able to give more localized NET Schedules as they become available. Check it out at
Would your club like to meet a group of enthusiastic young adult Catholics giving a year of their life to the church? These past years a successful effort was made to connect young missionaries of the National Evangelization Team (NET) with Serra Clubs across our nation. NET Teams, made up of 6 young men and 6 young women ages 18 to 28, visited over 70 Dioceses, giving retreats for young Catholics. About 15% of all team members enter the convent or Seminary after serving on NET. The rest of the team are very good candidates as future Serrans.
The Net Teams travel schedule for next year is already available. It is listed below and has the diocese. There are so many ways you can connect with a team. You might want to plan a meal or reception, schedule them to attend your meeting or vocation/school event or even provide host homes for lodging. Please contact the Diocese Contact Person on the NET schedule to have a NET Team connect with your club. We will be able to give more localized NET Schedules as they become available. Check it out at
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