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Focus 11
Vocations Rally
Focus 11 is a program based on a concept out of St. Petersburg, Florida which say two key times to contact youth about vocation is as a 11 yr old and as a 11th grader. The Portland Archdiocese has presented this program for the last three years for 6th graders only (150 the first year, 300+ the second, and 400+ the 3rd year over 2 days because of space).
This is a day long program that includes youth ministers with music to engender some enthusiasm and school spirit at the beginning of the morning. Next a key note speaker preferably a priest or sister that can tell their story and ask the student if they have ever considered the priesthood or religious life? This is usually followed by some games such as getting a group of the students with the help of the audience to guess certain characteristics about 4 priests and sisters. Examples of this are how many years they have been a priest or sister, what is their favorite electronic device, or where they grew up.
The groups then is separated into three groups with one going to lunch (they bring their own lunch and Serra provides the cookies and juice), a second group goes to hear a panel discussion from a priest, seminarian, sister and brother or the like, the third group goes to an exhibit are were we have orders of priests, sisters, archdiocese and seminary have their material. There usually 10-15 exhibits and the students are given a sheet with all exhibitors name and they are to find some key characteristics about each. Each group is given about 40 minutes at each station.
There also is a poster contest with the 3 best from each school and this year we required an essay to accompany the poster. We got some great responses.
The day concludes with a prayer session, prizes for the poster/essay contests, some additional songs and a gift for each 6th grader and teacher. The Sisters on our Archdiocese Vocation Committee put in a tremendous amount of work and that is the reason it has been so successful!
FOCUS 11 - How it works, a recipe for success!
This is a one day program about vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It focuses on two age groups 11 year olds or 6 graders and 11th graders. It is held in a central location as multiple classes are invited.
- • Day starts with mass or music
• Key presenter of Bishop, Priest, or Sister
• Learn about different orders and difference between canonical vocations and careers or jobs
• Panel discussions with priest, seminarian, sister and brother
• Games and other activities focusing on student developing awareness and understanding of vocations
• Exhibits of archdiocese, and various orders of priests, sisters, and brothers
• Poster and essay contests
• Prizes and gifts
• Some or most of these activities may be done and may start with one age group
• Known to have taken place in St. Petersburg, Fl., Denver Col. and Portland Or., but may be going on in other areas under a different name
• Program very successful, but takes time to develop and lots of man hours. Thus going to diocese office first makes sense.
• Go to Google and type in Focus 11 for more information
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
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September 07, 2016
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