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District Governor and Regional Director Leadership Development Conference
The USA Council Leadership Development Committee has the important
responsibility of developing appropriate training manuals and training seminars
for all leadership levels of the USA Council of Serra International.
The Leadership Development Committee schedules one District Governor Planning Conference each year. In 2012 the Planning Conference will be a one day event on January 12th followed by the Super Weekend.
The conference has become an integral and essential opportunity for District Governors and Regional Directors to learn the meaning and importance of their office and to prepare to assist and support Serra clubs in fulfilling the mission of the USA Council of Serra International and to accomplish the objectives of Serra International.
Just as you plan a trip by consulting a travel agent or at least looking at a map, you will want to take advantage of the experience of hundreds of District Governors and Regional Directors which is available through use of the manuals and instruction on their use.
In preparing for this one day event we asked previous attendees why they would encourage you to attend:
• I needed the training because being a good governor is more than a having the title.
• When I took on this new responsibility I realized it was a new opportunity to serve others. I had an obligation to use every means to learn how to do it well.
• As a Regional Director the conference prepared me to work with our District Governors and together we planned for the coming Serran year. Since this is a critical part of the conference, I worked hard on getting the Governors and Governors Elect to register and attend.
• We learned the best practices of Serra leadership through interactive adult learning opportunities. Learning from current governors was a great help.
• Both formal and informal opportunities for learning, planning, sharing expertise, talents and fellowship with your peers made for a great experience.
Those who have already registered have told us that they are looking forward to the one day Leadership Conference, but want to have a broader understanding of their role in Serra by participating in the Council Committee meetings and hearing the presentations during the Super Weekend. We encourage all Governors, Directors and Elects to plan to stay through Super Weekend.
The Leadership Committee has reviewed each section of the manual and made revisions to make it shorter and more user friendly. The one-day conference saves time and money because it and Council committee meetings will be back to back.
Congratulations to the men and women who have been chosen to serve in the leadership roles of District Governor and DG Elect and of Regional Director and RD Elect during the upcoming Serran year.
Here are some of topics that will be discussed:
Managing the District/Region
Communications Tools
District Advisory Councils
District/Regional Conventions
Serra Club Visits
Strengthening Serra Clubs
District Governor Role in:
Membership/Extension (new Serra Clubs)
Incoming Club President Seminars
Spring Leadership and Planning Conference (SLPC)
All District Governors, Regional Directors, and Elect are encouraged to attend the District Governor Planning Conference.
For more information:
Contact the USA Council Office in Chicago
USA Council of Serra International
333 Wacker Dr Ste 500
Chicago IL 60606
Call Toll-free: 888-777-6681
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September 07, 2016
Serra’s National Council for the United
333 W. Wacker Drive Suite 500 | Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 201-6549 ~ 888-777-6681 · Fax (312) 201-6548 ~ 888-777-6803