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Saint Junipero Serra
Our Name
A Franciscan missionary
Saint Junipero Serra is
well known as the 18th century founder of a string of California missions. Like
Saint Serra, the Serrans of today put faith into action.
Whether through meetings, vocational programs, or personal involvement in school, parish and diocesan activities, Serrans accept the
challenge of fostering vocations and encouraging spiritual growth.
Our Inspiration
Serra's missions were established along El Camino Real, which linked his Church-centered communities up and down the California coastline. By
linking clubs throughout the world, Serra International strives to carry out its own mission: to foster and promote vocations to the priesthood
and religious life and to further Catholicism by encouraging its members, in fellowship, through education, to fulfill their vocations
to service. (Photo Courtesy of Mission San Carlos Borromeo, CA)
Let St. Serra inspire us to nurture vocations and become missionaries ourselves as we work for vocations. The USA Council Program Committee invites you to carry out this program of renewal by which all Serrans recommit themselves to furthering Serra International's principles and objectives.
In His Steps ~ A program for Renewal and Recommitment
The web site of the Serra Club of Bethlehem, PA. provides an excellent online Profile of Saint Serra.
In His Steps Prayer
"Walk with Saint Junipero Serra as he traces our Lord's footsteps in search of workers for the vineyard."
Holy Spirit, you are the love and light of the world. Continue to give all Serrans the courage and generosity to respond ardently to your call.
With one voice now, all Serrans say, "Here I am Lord." Fire each of us with a renewed spirit and enthusiasm to work for vocations for our Church.
Deepen our commitment to the Serran mission that we may, indeed, walk "in his steps" on our journey.
Father, we ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord, through the intercession of Saint Junipero Serra and Mary, the Mother of the Church and religious vocations.
Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations
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September 07, 2016
Serra’s National Council for the United
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